Saturday, December 29, 2018

Today Quiz date 30/12/2018

Biology Test Date 30/12/2018

1. Micronutrients

A. Are less important in nutrition than macronutrients

B. Are as important in nutrition as macronutrients

C. May be omitted from culture media without any detrimental effects on plants

D. Are called micro because they play only a minor role in nutrition

2. Which hormone influences contraction of gall bladder and secretion of pancreatic juice?

A. Enterogastrone
B. Gastrin
C. Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
D. All of the above

3. The cells of the epithelial lining in the vertebrate stomach are not damaged by HCl because of

A. Mucus secretion covering the epithelium
B. Neutralization of HCl by alkaline gastric juice
C. HCl being too dilute
D. Epithelium being resistant to HCl

4. Pancreatic juice is

A. Acidic
B. Enzyme
C. Alkaline
D. None of the above

5. Emulsification of fats by bile takes place in

A. Duodenum
B. Intestine
C. Stomach
D. Liver

6. Ptyalin does not digest food in stomach because

A. Its quantity is small
B. It is carbohydrate digesting enzyme
C. It is secreted from salivary glands
D. HCl makes it inert

7. Which amino acid produces hexose by decarboxylation?

A. Arginine
B. Tryptophan
C. Guanine
D. Cysteine

8. Trypsin enzyme

A. Breaks proteins in alkaline medium of duodenum

B. Digests proteins in acidic medium of stomach

C. Digests proteins in acidic medium of duodenum

D. None of the above

9. Maltase enzyme in human gut acts on food at pH

A. Less than 7 to change maltose into fructose

B. More than 7 to change maltose into glucose

C. More than 7 to change starch into maltose

D. Less than 7 to change starch into maltose

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